Family Court of Western Australia

Priority Property Pools under $500,000 Cases


The aim of the PPP500 (Priority Property Pools under $500,000) program is to provide a simplified way of resolving property disputes which will minimise legal costs, and best preserve the parties' assets. The purpose is to achieve a just, efficient and timely resolution of PPP500 cases, at a cost to the parties that is reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances of the case.

PPP500 Cases

A PPP500 case is an application for alteration of property interests pursuant to section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) or section 205ZG of the Family Court Act 1997 (WA), where the following applies:

  • the net property of the parties (excluding superannuation interests) is, or is likely to be, $500,000 or less, and
  • there are no entities (such as a family trust, company, or self-managed superannuation fund) owned or in the effective control of either party that might require valuation or expert investigation, or any issues of complexity in the case, and
  • neither party in the proceedings seeks orders:

Commencing proceedings

Proceedings can be commenced in a PPP500 matter with the filing of an Initiating Application, a Financial Statement (PPP500) and a Case Information Affidavit (PPP500).

Registrars review all property only applications filed in order to provide early identification of PPP500 matters and make orders in chambers to progress the matter prior to the first court date.

Case Management

Case management of a PPP500 case has two components:

  • registrar-led triage and resolution (limb one): where a Registrar can assist separating couples to reach agreement, in the shortest possible time, and
  • magistrate managed PPP500 interim hearing/trial (limb two): applying expedited court hearings to the determination phase.

Further information

Further information on the PPP500 program can be found in the following documents:

Last updated: 27-Sep-2023

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