Family Court of Western Australia

Legal Resources

There are a range of resources to help you to navigate the family law system. There are:

You may also find the information kits and brochures and legal advice pages useful.

Government Publications

The Attorney General’s Department have prepared a number of publications to assist separated parties:

Family Court Legal Services Directory

The Family Court Legal Services Directory contains contact details for a range of organisations which may provide free or low cost legal advice.

Community Resource Centres

The Western Australian Community Resource Network (WACRN) is comprised of over 100 rural, remote and regional Community Resource Centres (CRCs). The centres are not-for-profit organisations that are independently owned and operated by their local community.

CRCs can provide access to computers, photocopiers, printers, video conferencing and the internet.

You may be able to utilise a CRC near you for preparing and filing your court documents.

Please go to their website for further information

Family Law TermFinder

Legal terms can be difficult to understand. Family Law TermFinder is an accessible and reliable plain language translation tool of the most common terminology used in family law.

Family Law TermFinder

Last updated: 6-Apr-2023

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