Family Court of Western Australia

Filing the service documents

You need to eLodge the following prior to the hearing date:

  • Affidavit of Service;
  • Acknowledgement of Service; and
  • Affidavit of Corroboration (either Affidavit of Proof of Signature or Affidavit of Proof of Identity)

For filing:

  • You should eLodge the service documents using the eCourts Portal of Western Australia, or
  • if you are unable to eLodge, you can post the documents to the Court, or deliver them to the Registry. If you post or deliver to the Registry you will need to file the originals and a photocopy of each document.

Next steps

You should refer to the will I have to attend court page  in relation to attending court on the hearing date for your application. If you need to attend court but are unable to attend in person, you can request to attend by phone.

If you are attending the court hearing in person, take your copy of the service documents with you.

Last updated: 7-Jan-2022

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