Family Court of Western Australia

Exchange of Documents Before the First Hearing

At least 2 days before your first hearing, you need to exchange the following documents with the other party:

  • the party’s three most recent tax returns and assessments
  • documents about any relevant superannuation interest, including:
    • the completed Superannuation Information Form (see the superannuation kit)
    • for a self-managed superannuation fund, the trust deed and the last three financial statements
    • the value of the superannuation interest, including how the value has been calculated and any documents working out the value
  • for a corporation, trust or partnership where the party has a duty of disclosure:
    • financial statements for the last three financial years, including balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, depreciation schedules and taxation returns.
  • for the party or a corporation, trust or partnership where the party has a duty of disclosure:
    • any Business Activity Statements for the previous 12 months
  • for any corporation, its most recent annual return, listing directors and shareholders, and the corporation’s constitution
  • for any trust, the trust deed
  • for any partnership, the partnership agreement, including amendments,
  • a market appraisal of any item of property in which a party has an interest, unless the value is agreed with the other party.

 These requirements are in addition to the usual duty to disclose documents.

Last updated: 1-May-2019

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